Building a LEGO SPIKE Prime Robot that balances on a ball
In this project you’ll build a LEGO SPIKE Prime robot that balances on a ball. Includes step-by-step instructions and ready-to-use code.
In this project you’ll build a LEGO SPIKE Prime robot that balances on a ball. Includes step-by-step instructions and ready-to-use code.
In this project you’ll build a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot that balances on a ball. Includes step-by-step instructions and ready-to-use code.
This is how you can install multiple Pybricks programs on the hub, and add a simple menu select one to run. This works on the SPIKE Prime Hub and the MINDSTO...
With full control over the builtin rumble actuators, you can create force feedback with the Xbox Controller to respond to sensors on your robot.
This article explains how to disable motor checks in multipurpose programs so that they run no matter which motors are connected, if any.
Control the LEGO® Technic Liebherr Crawler Crane (42146) with the Xbox Controller. No phone needed!