Driving and turning with R2-D2

Python code and building instructions for the LEGO BOOST Star Wars™ Droid Commander (75253).

Driving and turning with R2-D2
Image credit: LEGO

Fan-favorite droid R2-D2 is now Python-powered with Pybricks.


This is an example program to help you get R2-D2 moving. If you are just getting started with coding, you don’t need to understand all of it. Just scroll down to the MAIN PROGRAM section and start there.

from pybricks.hubs import MoveHub
from pybricks.pupdevices import ColorDistanceSensor, Motor
from pybricks.parameters import Port, Direction
from pybricks.robotics import DriveBase
from pybricks.tools import wait

# Declare how the robot is built #

# Uses the BOOST Move hub.
hub = MoveHub()

# Built-in motors are used as a drive base.
drive = DriveBase(
    Motor(Port.A, Direction.COUNTERCLOCKWISE),
    37,  # wheel diameter
    65)  # axle track

# Uses the BOOST Color and Distance sensor.
sensor = ColorDistanceSensor(Port.C)

# Motor that actuates the head and the part on the front.
# The gears are configured for the head.
actuator = Motor(Port.D, Direction.COUNTERCLOCKWISE, gears=(24, 40))

# Define some helpful functions #

# Returns true if R2-D2 is standing upright.
def is_upright():
    # R2 is actually leaning slightly forward when "upright".
    return hub.imu.acceleration()[2] <= 0

# Makes R2-D2 stand up straight if he is not already.
def stand_up():
    # If we are already upright, there is nothing to do.
    if is_upright():

    # Drive has to be stopped before changing settings.

    # Save the old settings to restore later.
    settings = drive.settings()

    # Set speed and acceleration high so that
    # we can make R2-D2 jerk forward or backward.
    drive.settings(1000, 5000)

    # Drive quickly and stop to make R2-D2 change position.

    # Restore the old settings.


    if not is_upright():
        raise RuntimeError('failed to stand up')

# Makes R2-D2 go to tripod mode if he is not already.
def tripod():
    # If we are already not upright, there is nothing to do.
    if not is_upright():


    if is_upright():
        raise RuntimeError('failed to go to tripod mode')

# Shakes head back and forth.
def shake_head():
    actuator.run_angle(300, -45)
    actuator.run_angle(300, 90)
    actuator.run_angle(300, -90)
    actuator.run_angle(300, 90)
    actuator.run_angle(300, -45)

# Turns body while holding head still.
def stare_and_turn(angle):
    # This only works when standing up.

    # The speed for turning the head is chosen to match the
    # drive base turn rate and wait=False allows both motors
    # to run at the same time.
    actuator.run_angle(drive.settings()[2], -angle, wait=False)

# Show some useful information. #

print('starting:', 'upright' if is_upright() else 'tripod')

# If you want to adjust the settings, it can be useful
# to print the defaults so you know where to start.
# print('default drive settings', drive.settings())


    # Try to drive forward, turn around and come back.
    for _ in range(2):

    # Print a message so that we know when the program
    # completed successfully.
except Exception:
    # If there was an error while the program was running,
    # R2-D2 shakes his head in disappointment.

    # Then we raise the error again so we can see what
    # it is.

Further exploration

Here’s a few ideas and challenges for further exploration:

  • Modify the main program to call stare_and_turn(360 * 2) to see R2-D2 turn his body without turning his head.
  • Write your own function to combine a sequence of actions. Then use it as part of a more complex program.

    def my_function():
        # Write your commands here!
  • Create an obstacle course for R2-D2 and write a program to navigate safely around the obstructions.

This project was submitted by The Pybricks Team.